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The star
Emmanuel Chabrier

Chabrier succeeds, musically and scenically, on the insane bet of intelligent, sensitive comedy, imbued with its time without making it a light operetta or a critique of society. He invites us to renounce seriousness and reason. It is the parody, it is the mood which prevail: skepticism, amusement, melancholy without complacency, full of vivacity.

The Star is an elusive object on which one should especially not weigh the weight of an interpretation or a concept. On the contrary, it is necessary to grasp the multiplicity of facets and to develop them in the profusion of details.

We find there the Paris of department stores but also its secret societies, artificial paradises, sadomasochistic relationships ... So many worlds to explore and bring closer to today's public while keeping the spirit of its author.

For us, it is a question of denouncing today prudishness, the refusal of the other, commercialism, yield, overconsumption ...  

Chabrier offers rich elements and great music while leaving the director a magnificent freedom to invest the work with his own universe. He gives keys without imposing them, he lets lie here and there the bases of humor, of derision, leaving to the performers and the staging the care of bringing the imagination to life.  

Beyond a simple transposition, a “concept” or an aesthetic to be applied to the work, Chabrier asks the director and his team to invent a world.

Collective creation is based precisely on this desire: to make the Star the pretext for as many fantasies and comic squeaks as Chabrier imagines.  

It is in this abundance, that we want to be a debauchery of inventions, that the characters and situations of the Star will take place, the strong contrasts between the most insane and the most sensitive.

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